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Kyle Griffin
Breaking: An appeal's court has denied Trump's request to delay the hush money trial. Trump sought a delay because Merchan refused to recuse, because he couldn't invoke an immunity defense and because the judge made his team file motions with a delay to allow for redactions.
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Kyle Griffin
BREAKING: Judge Merchan threatens Trump with jail time for further violations of his gag order. "Defendant is hereby warned that the Court will not tolerate continued willful violations of its lawful orders and that if necessary and appropriate under the circumstances, it will…
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Aaron Rupar
Trump rolls up to his trial every day and offers up the same half-baked rant, citing Fox News hosts and complaining about Biden. He thinks this is campaigning. Here's how he began this morning. pic.twitter.com/bHgsi83Iia
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Aaron Rupar
"Trump has been talking a big game about testifying in his own defense, but it’s hard to believe he’d actually subject himself to days of withering cross-examination. Given that the trial is expected to last several weeks, he has time to decide. Meanwhile, he just has to try to…
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